
How to register

  1. Locate the class that you would like to register for and click “Book this class.” You’ll then be redirected to the checkout basket.
  2. Make sure that the number of delegates is only 1 and click “Next Step.”
  3. Click “Select Myself” to assign yourself as the booker, then click “Continue.”
  4. Verify that Delegate 1 is also you. If not, assign yourself as such and click “Next Step.”
  5. Click "Accept the Terms and Conditions" and "Complete"
  6. You should not have to enter credit card information. If it prompts you to do so, please email me ( or our CX inbox ( and we will gladly help get you signed up.

Registration Instructions Video


Learning Strategist @ Learnit


Samantha Freeman


Customer Success Manager @ Learnit


CSM Team

Learnit Support Line

Company Contact


Christy Gritton


  • Professional Development: Three business days prior to the class date
  • Business Applications: Three business days prior to the class date

Friday, September 15, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM PT

Office 365

Bring your questions about Office 365. Learnit will host an open forum session on our Office 365 environment, and kick off by giving a brief overview of the 365 tools, and when to use which! We look forward to having you, even if you can only stay a while.

Book this class

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