Free Event: Learn-It-All Leaders Roundtable

Join CEO and author, Damon Lembi, in a discussion with Learnit Alumni and Leaders on what it means to become a Learn It All Leader.

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April 21, 2023


1 hr 15 min

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Free Event: Learn-It-All Leaders Roundtable

During this roundtable event, Learnit CEO and author Damon Lembi will share insights and excerpts derived from his new book, The Learn-It-All Leader. He will be joined by five leaders who've embraced the journey of learning: Jim Mollé, Bert Strane, Evans Hood, Joe Patti, and Carly Lutz. This discussion will pull entertaining anecdotes and stories derived from the book, offering a window into Learnit's culture as well as insights and practical tips for anyone looking to become a more effective, successful leader.

What You Can Expect to Gain:

  • Inspiration from real-life stories and experiences of influential leaders
  • Insights on the difference between know-it-all leaders and learn-it-all leaders
  • Tools for how to overcome imposter syndrome and negative self-talk
  • Techniques for adopting the mindset needed to make better decisions, bolder risks, and build stronger teams

About the Book, The Learn-It-All Leader:

Whether through defensiveness, confidence, or disinterest, know-it-all leaders are set in their ways, have a fixed mindset, and are averse to change. They can achieve a degree of success (although plenty don’t), but the most respected, successful, and resilient leaders are learn-it-alls. It’s the one trait that seems to guarantee success. In the future, it may just be table stakes.  

So how do you learn to be a learn-it-all?

Whether you’re an aspiring or experienced leader looking to improve your learning agility or you’re already a learn-it-all who is (of course) in the habit of reading new business books, The Learn It All Leader offers perspective and makes recommendations about which traits to develop and what actions to take to up your learn-it-all game.

Great leaders aren’t born. They’re not made either. They’re in the making. They’re constantly creating and recreating themselves, their companies, and their leadership. They are a process.

Want to learn about it? The Learn-It-All Leader is available on Amazon on April 18th. Attend this event for more details.

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