Whether you are building your own brand or working on a large team to tell and 'sell' a compelling story about your organization, this session will be helpful for you in learning how to think about branding and email marketing in a more innovative, creative way.
October 15, 2021
1 hour
Learnit is excited to be partnering with marketing expert Laura Camila Rivera for a special session on Creative Branding & Marketing Strategy.
Whether you are building your own brand or working on a large team to tell and 'sell' a compelling story about your organization, this session will be helpful for you in learning how to think about branding and email marketing in a more innovative, creative way.
Please bring your questions, as there will be time for live Q&A with Laura!
Laura Camila is a Marketing and Communications Manager with experience in Graphic Design, Event Planning, and Content Creation. As a social media and email marketing certified sage, Laura maintains multiple digital communities of practice and garners brand awareness for organizations as a freelancer, volunteer, and ambassador for topics of personal interest such as change leadership, equity, art development, and productivity.
She is the Director of Marketing at ALPFA (Association of Latino Professionals for America) Boston and serves on the governance board at Now+There, a public art curator, and is currently a member of the Boston Chamber of Commerce's Future Leaders Cohort.
Subscribe to receive a weekly email with new products and tools to elevate your brand and scale your impact: https://tinyletter.com/lauracamila
Check out some of Laura's past design projects ranging from database management to event advertising and UX/UI Design: https://app.swiftcv.com/@lauracamila
September 25, 2024
1 hr
Since 2019, the way we build and maintain trust has changed drastically. With the rise of remote work, digital communication, and growing skepticism, leaders face new challenges in earning and keeping trust. This webinar is here to help you navigate these changes with practical strategies and real-world insights.